
Abim District is one of the Local Governments, under the Uganda Government decentralization policy, located in Northern Uganda.

We are the pearl of the Pearl of Africa.

The district is names after its 'chief town', Abim, where the district headquarters are located. 
Abim District is composed of five subcounties and one town council, Abim Town Council.

Economic Activities

Subsistence agriculture and animal husbandry are the main occupations of the population of the district. Many also practice animal hunting to suppplement their diet. Crops grown include: 

  • Sorghum
  • Maize
  • Millet
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Beans
  • Cassava
  • Sunflower
  • Simsim
  • Groundnuts

  • Upland rice